The mission of Have Justice - Will Travel, Inc. (HJWT) is to end the generational cycle of abuse in rural families by bridging the legal, cultural, geographical, psychological, and economic gaps that exist for victims of domestic abuse. HJWT provides legal and supportive services for battered, low-income women and their children.
Wynona I. Ward, Esq., Attorney and Founder of HJWT, has created an innovative, mobile, multi-service program that assists victims of domestic abuse through the legal process, from the initial interview and relief from abuse order through self-sufficiency and independence. This holistic multi-service approach to assisting rural victims often is the key to women first escaping the abuse and then moving forward to improving the quality of their lives and their children's lives. HJWT, which began out of Wynona's kitchen, now has two offices and is serving 14 of Vermont's 14 counties. In addition to Wynona, HJWT now has a full time attorney, two paralegal/client service coordinators, and an administrative assistant. Since 1998, HJWT has provided services for more than 10,000 women and children.